Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Scoop: Urge Your Govt to Support Nuke Disarmament

Scoop: Urge Your Govt to Support Nuke Disarmament: "Urge Your Govt to Support Nuke Disarmament
Tuesday, 26 April 2005, 9:11 am
Press Release: Friends Of The Earth
Urge Your Govt to Support Nuke Disarmament at Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review May 2-27


Please Write to Your Foreign Minister now urging nuclear disarmament at the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference, New York, May 2 - May 27.

(URLs for further information at the end of this email.)

Here's why we would like you to write to your foreign minister concerning the NPT Review Conference in New York May 2-27.

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty 2005 Review Conference will take place at the UN in New York May 2-27, 2005.

The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty(NPT), for all its many faults, is the worlds best bulwark against the unlimited proliferation of nuclear weapons.

As IAEA head Mohammed El Baradei has pointed out, the dangers posed by nuclear proliferation today are greater than ever.

The unlimited proliferation of nuclear weapons would make it inevitable that at some point, by either accident or by miscalculation, or by malice or madness, somewhere, somebody would actually use a nuclear weapon.

Already, there is deep concern over the acquisition or the possible future acquisition of nuclear weapons by North Korea (who may have as many as a dozen) and by Iran (who most probably have none).

India and Pakistan, who officially 'went nuclear' in 1998, having actually achieved that capability years previously, stood poised terrifyingly on the brink of a nuclear exchange for almost a year in 2002-3.

Rumours have circulated of plans to acquire nuclear weapons by both Saudi Arabia and Nigeria.

The NPT is seen by most nations as a bargain, whereby the nuclear weapons states agree under Article VI, of the treaty, to eliminate their nuclear arsenals, while everyone else agrees not to acquire nuclear weapons if they do not already posess them.

The NPT is often wrongly portrayed a"


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