Saturday, May 28, 2005

China Committed to Non-proliferation

China CRIENGLISH: "2005-5-28 10:39:38
Chinese Ambassador for disarmament affairs Hu Xiaodi has reaffirmed China's commitment to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
Hu Xiaodi told the UN non-proliferation conference that China will continue to implement the treaty, which advocates nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

He also described the treaty as the cornerstone to address key concerns, such as world peace and security.

Meanwhile, UN nuclear chief Mohamed ElBaradei said the failure of the UN non-proliferation conference to adopt new measures to fight the spread of nuclear weapons was 'distressing' and that world leaders must now focus on the issue.

ElBaradei has criticized the treaty for not including measures to automatically punish nations that breach their nuclear obligations, for not giving the IAEA stronger investigatory powers and for not clarifying when peaceful nuclear activities can be used to develop nuclear weapons. "


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