Thursday, July 21, 2005

Radioactive material found at demolition site

The Sun Herald | 07/21/2005 | Radioactive material found at demolition site: "Posted on Thu, Jul. 21, 2005
Goldin Metals

Radioactive material found at demolition site


GULFPORT - Two containers of depleted uranium and one empty container believed to contain the radioactive material were discovered Wednesday at an abandoned warehouse slated for demolition, state environmental officials said.

Criminal investigators with the Environmental Protection Agency were called in to assist in the situation because leaving the material behind may have been an illegal act.

'This material is supposed to be kept under lock and key and they're supposed to have security guards,' Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality emergency responder Earl Ethridge said. He added the new owners, who bought the property in a bankruptcy sale, had no idea the radioactive material was there.

In addition, Ethridge said FBI agents were investigating the whereabouts of the empty container's material because there was concern a transient, many of whom are known to frequent the desolate industrial complex close to Three Rivers Road and the Bernard Bayou, may have taken the uranium elsewhere.

The previous property owners were industrial steel welders and the depleted uranium was contained in source kits, which are used in special cameras designed to test the quality of welded joints, Ethridge said.

The source kits are about 3 feet long, half a foot wide and look like giant tool boxes, Ethridge said. They are securely fastened and do not leak, but Ethridge said he tested the area anyway and found no nuclear contamination. State health department officials were en route from Jackson Wednesday evening to also test for possible contamination.

Ethridge said he discovered these containers while strolling the grounds of the warehouse after noticing a few 'Danger Radiation' signs on the walls of the building that workers were preparing to demolish."


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